84 Burnett St Bundaberg 

10 Menstrual Cycle Symptoms That May Not Be Normal

10 Menstrual Cycle Symptoms That May Not Be Normal

Are you sick of battling symptoms in the lead-up to your period? Although it’s common to
experience symptoms, there are some that may need some further investigation. Let’s look
at 10 menstrual symptoms that might indicate an underlying health concern.
Cramps & pain

When girls first get their period, it’s not unusual to have some pain and cramping for a year
or so while their hormones regulate themselves. But for adult women, experiencing any
significant pain or cramps is not a normal symptom!

Cramps and pain before and during your period are caused by an excess amount of
inflammatory compounds known as prostaglandins. But if you can get your inflammation
under control, you could help to reduce or even eliminate your cramps.

Significant pain can also be an indicator of an underlying health condition such as:

● Endometriosis
● Adenomyosis
● Fibroids
● Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

If you suspect any of these conditions, speak to your doctor about testing and diagnosis

Severe mood swings

Feeling a little bit anxious, sad or grumpy? Mood changes are a big part of PMS, but sudden
and severe shifts in your mood can be a red flag to watch out for.

The mostly likely cause is pre-menstrual dysphoria, or PMDD. Some of the symptoms of
PMDD include:

● Depression
● Suicidal thoughts
● Panic attacks
● Extreme anxiety, anger or irritability
● Reduced concentration
● Insomnia
● Apathy or a lack of interest in life and activities
● Severe cramps
● Binge eating

If you suspect you have PMDD, it’s essential for the sake of your mental health to seek

Very short or very long menstrual cycle

There is some variation in the length of a woman’s menstrual cycle. The average is 28 days,
but the normal range is considered anything between 24-38 days long. If your cycle length
falls outside of this range, it can be a sign of a significant hormonal issue.

The same goes for irregular periods – where the length varies significantly. An occasional
variation can be put down to stress, but consistently irregular periods can indicate a

Long, heavy periods
When it comes to your actual period, the length and flow is important to monitor. A normal
period can last up to 7 days, with between 5-80ml of blood loss.

Are you experiencing 8+ day bleeds? Do you have to change your pad or tampon every 2
hours or less? These are signs that your period is too long and/or too heavy. They can be
caused by:

● Endometriosis
● Adenomyosis
● Fibroids
● Uterine polyps
● Blood clothing disorders
● In rare cases, tumours

Your best bet is to seek healthcare advice if your periods are too long or too heavy.


Another symptom that goes hand in hand with long, heavy periods is clotting. It’s common
for women to experience small clots, particularly on the heavier flow days. But if you
experience frequent clots that are larger – particularly if they are the size of a 50c coin or
bigger – it’s time to do some investigating.

Passing large clots is a sign that you have heavy menstrual bleeding. In some cases, it could
also be the sign of an early miscarriage.

Spotting between periods

Some causes of spotting between your period might be due to something harmless such as
ovulation. But others can be a significant health concern, so it’s always best to get it checked

Some causes of spotting between periods include:

● Fibroids
● Pelvic inflammatory disease
● Early stages of pregnancy

● Some types of hormonal birth control


A couple of spots here and there might not be much of a concern. But if your acne is out of
control, it could be a sign of an underlying condition such as PCOS.

In PCOS, you may also experience weight gain, irregular periods, sugar cravings, dark coarse
hair growth on the face and body, pelvic pain and cramps.

Headaches & migraines

A mild tension headache is one thing. But if you experience headaches or migraines
frequently in the days before your period, you want to find out why.

Hormonal shifts can contribute to headache and migraine risk, as can increased
inflammation levels. By supporting a healthy hormone balance and reducing your
inflammation, you can help to reduce your risk of headaches and migraines.

Significant fatigue

Feeling a little bit sleepier or tired can be a normal part of the hormonal shifts during the
luteal phase and beginning of your period. But if you feel constantly drained and exhausted
for days on end, it’s an indicator that something might need addressing.

Exhaustion can be a symptom of PMDD, particularly if it goes alongside depression, anxiety
or severe mood swings. Significant fatigue can also be a sign of iron deficiency, so it’s best to
get your levels checked by your GP.

Any symptom that interferes with your everyday life

The rule of thumb with menstrual symptoms is if it interferes with your ability to work,
study or go about your day, it needs to be addressed.

So how can you find the root cause of your symptoms and find some relief?

We’re here to help you do just that. Our naturopath Trish can help you to explore the
underlying cause and address your symptoms using diet, lifestyle and herbs tailored to your
needs. Our acupuncturist Jamie can help to relieve pain and stress that contribute to your
menstrual symptoms.

To book an appointment with Jamie or Trish at our Bundaberg clinic, book an appointment
online here or call us on (07) 41522372

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84 Burnett St
Bundaberg South QLD 4670
ABN: 88 973 250 774
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