84 Burnett St Bundaberg

Gut Healing 

Gut Healing, Bundaberg naturopath Trish Robertson

What does gut healing with our Naturopath Trish look like? Here is Trish with some more information:

When clients come to me for help with their digestion and gut issues we have a very in depth discussion in the appointment to try and figure out the best way to approach their concerns.

We talk about their symptoms which often include:

  • Bloating
  • Belching
  • Farting
  • Reflux
  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal pain/discomfort
  • Nausea
  • Bowel issues like constipation/diarrhea
  • Food intolerances

I also do thorough questioning of their dietary intake including any cravings they may have ie sugar, carbs etc. These are important questions as they can help me discern if they have any bacterial/parasitic overgrowths that are driving these symptoms.

Once we decide on what needs to be addressed I then prescribe an individualised gut cleanse (if indicated) designed to remove any overgrowths of these opportunistic bacteria and parasites and relieve any uncomfortable symptoms. This is usually 2 weeks in length and involves combination herbal formulas/digestive support along with other nutrients that support the safe removal of these toxins from the digestive system.

Often times the bacteria Candida Albicans is the main offender that we need to address along with other less common ones like Klebsiella/E.Coli. 

I find this is a very effective but gentle way to remove overgrowths and settle symptoms and it usually only takes the 2 week course to get the desired results. We then follow up to discuss any improvements and moving onto  the next stage of replenishing the gut and bowel.

I also give dietary advice on how to best support the cleanse. Herbal remedies are also often included in the protocol.

My favourite herbs to use include:

Phelladendron: has shown the ability to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from within the GIT. It has shown
efficacy in the treatment of inflammation, gastroenteritis, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea. These effects are
due to fungicidal, bactericidal and antimicrobial activity against unicellular pathogenic agents.

Barberry: may relieve discomforts such as heartburn, stomach cramps, constipation, and lack of appetite

Garlic: antibacterial properties, fights pathogenic bacteria and parasites and also offers immune support

Oregano: Therapeutically, the volatile compounds found in Oregano oil exert biological actions including
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities, which work to support healthy digestion,
assisting in loss of appetite and reducing the effects of gaseous abdominal bloating.

Thyme: Bitter principles present in Thyme also support digestive health. Thyme provides relief from
dyspepsia, gastritis, diarrhoea and flatulence, as well as offering anthelmintic (worming) activity. It offers
antispasmodic and digestive stimulant properties the latter of which is helpful where there is a ‘sluggish’

Clove: Clove provides additional GIT support via its carminative and antispasmodic actions, which helps to
relieve flatulence and supports healthy gastrointestinal function. The traditional uses of clove includes
intestinal parasites, as well as for dyspepsia, diarrhoea, intestinal spasm and flatulence.

I will also often prescribe digestive enzymes at this time to support stomach acid production and enzymic breakdown of food as this helps promote an environment that is not so user friendly for the bad bacteria but really good for digestion and our ability to keep the overgrowths under control.

I also use Bovine Colostrum to help with the safe removal of any die off toxins from the cleanse.

Colostrum works by binding to bacteria, parasites and virally infected cells to form an immune complex, which the immune system can recognise and attack. 

Soluble glyconutrients (oligosaccharides) in bovine colostrum have been seen to prevent the adherence of pathogenic bacteria to the mucus membranes, and also cleave bacteria that are already attached. Glyconutrients compete with microbial carbohydrate-binding proteins, interfering with pathogenic adherence, so promoting elimination of bacteria.

There are also other specific herbs I use to address intestinal worms:

  • Black Walnut
  • Chinese Wormwood
  • Myrrh
  • Pomegranate

If you are getting any symptoms as described and would like to work on some gut healing, please book in with Trish for an appointment. You can book online here or give us a call on (07) 4152 2372


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